WingMakers no es ni un camino ni una enseñanza,
es simplemente una forma de vida basada en la igualdad espiritual,
y en este modo de vida se propone no juzgar
sino más bien distinguir cuidadosamente entre las frecuencias más bajas de la separación
y las frecuencias más altas de la unidad --todas y cada una.

James Mahu. Extraído de las Obras Completas de los WingMakers Volumen 1

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8. James—Lyricus Teacher and Translator of the WingMakers Materials

Mahu Nahi
A Master?
State of Consciousness
Mission and Work

Mahu Nahi

Question 11-S1: Who/what are you James? Where do you get your information from?

A. In my dominant reality, I am known as Mahu Nahi. I am a member of a teaching organization whose roots are very ancient, but paradoxically, very connected with humanity's future. This teaching organization is concerned with transporting a sensory data stream to earth in order to catalyze select individuals of the next three generations to bring innovations to the fields of science, art, and philosophy. These innovations will enable the discovery and establishment of the Grand Portal on earth.

I can be likened to a translator who "transports" already existing Tributary Zones to earth in the form of a comprehensible sensory data stream. This data stream will have both explicit and implicit content that incarnating souls will be tuned to recognize. This material will awaken them to the blueprints of discovery that were encoded into their DNA at conception.

My information - as it pertains to the WingMakers' material - derives from the seven Tributary Zones that were created by this very same teaching organization. I was involved in the design of these Tributary Zones, and consequently commissioned to translate them into data streams appropriate for the human neuro-anatomical system, which required my incarnation into a human body.

Question 14-S2 - You are known as Mahu Nahi. Is Mahu Nahi another incarnation of your spirit that has commissioned James (your current incarnation) to translate this material for the people of Earth?

A. No. My name within Lyricus is Mahu Nahi. This is how I am known among my students and associates. In effect, Mahu Nahi is the name of my SECU personality, while James is the name of my human personality of this time.

A Master?

Question 6-S1 : Are you a 'Master' as some proclaim?

A. There are so many definitions of the term "master" that I am not willing to say I am this, or I am not this, unless a definition accompanies the word. Since you did not provide a definition with your question, I will not provide an answer. I will , however, acknowledge the spirit of your question, which is: what am I?

In this regard I am as you are. I am a multidimensional being who lives simultaneously in a spectrum of realities. My dominant reality is different than yours. Because of this difference, I am able to process this human reality at a different frequency rate, which enables me to perceive behind and beyond the three-dimensional "surface" of this reality.

As a result of this ability, I am able to translate art, music, poetry, philosophy, and scientific insights that are from my dominant reality into yours. In so doing, I have translated sensory data that will catalyze future discoveries that will redefine the human soul.

Now, does this mean I am a master? I am simply performing the exact function I was created to perform. The output of personal behavior is always compared to the goal of your internal expectation and the output of your fellow man. This is typically how we are measured, are we not? There is no measure or comparison for the crystallized and absolutely individualized purpose of one who is operating in faultless accord to his or her purpose.

"Masters" abound in the human arena.

Some are excellent teachers, but very, very few teach how to transition from the human-mind dominant reality to that of the human-soul . Even fewer teach how to transition to the awareness and functionality of the Sovereign Integral state. One thing I can tell you, trust no one's proclamation, instead, examine in-depth the fruits of the supposed master and determine how they empower you to become your own self-sufficient teacher.

If you can find this, then you have found a master worthy of your time and energy.

Question 7-S2 - I am going to be specific with my wording here; I am aware that you are a multidimensional entity that exists simultaneously in eternity, within the physical body, throughout incarnations in time. This question is specific to the physical entity answering this question in the here and now.

Are you a standard human being, genetically identical to all categories of human on the Earth in this time period, born physically from a human woman? Alternatively, are you a clone, hybrid, alien, etc. placed on Earth by 'others'?

A. I was born as a human with very human parents. If you examined my DNA at birth you would find very little difference from your own. The element of distinction is that my consciousness was free of the survival-based energy system that conditions humans to a very nominal realization of their inherent purpose.

Within my consciousness was a connection to my purpose and lineage that outshone the indoctrination process that virtually all humans are subject to. It was this identification to my purpose that caused me, at an early age, to recollect my purpose in incarnating as a human being.

State of Consciousness

Question 28A-S3 - Are the Beings in Shamballa, WingMakers? Is Sanat Kumara a WingMaker?

Note that James only addresses part of this question. See Mantustia. He prefaced his answer, however, with the following comments which belong in this section on James himself.

A. It is only with consciousness effort that I am able to differentiate the WingMakers from all sentient life forms in the 7th superuniverse. In the reality in which I serve, all sentient, individuated life forms are a family of sovereign integrals known as Central Race Seven, or WingMakers.

Time - as a referential element - reduces unity of consciousness to separate and distinct classes of consciousness.

In my natural state, I do not see time in this manner, and therefore, I perceive you as a WingMaker here and now, not in some distant or imagined future. Of course I can also see how the Wholeness Navigator within the human instrument struggles clumsily to exert this reality in 3-dimensional space.

But it is the condition of separation and more specifically, the inexperience of separation that creates this clumsy presentation of the Wholeness Navigator.


Question 15-S2 - Why the secrecy regarding your whereabouts and identity? I know that you want the material to take precedence over a possible 'messiah' figure.

Are you concerned about the CIA, FBI, NSA, MJ12, MI6, Illuminati, Bilderberg's, whoever etc. tracking you down?

A. There are several groups who are presently aware of my existence on earth. For the most part, my work will only appear to them as adding to the misinformation programs that they've already erected. To most secret organizations, the more that is written about them that is divergent from previously held notions, the better. It is this very divergence that creates and perpetuates the uncertainty and stirs the murkiness in which they remain suitably concealed from the public's eye.

This was purposeful on my part because it would be relatively easy for certain groups to find me, and if they chose, compromise my mission. Thus, I have shared many truths about these organizations, knowing that these very truths are divergent from the established speculation and, ironically as it may seem, by this divergence, I am protected because WingMakers is perceived as a mythology and does not disclose hard evidence.

Because of my alliances, it is unlikely that anyone would choose to knowingly hinder this mission because these groups have a high regard for my lineage, which in some respects, is the only thing that restrains them.

There is very little known about Lyricus. It is truly the most enigmatic teaching organization within the broader universe. Its capabilities are unknown, but it is rightly assumed to be respectful of this organization.

As for my personal anonymity, this is a choice I made in order to curtail my teaching mode to individuals of this time in favor of directing my life's work to a select population of incarnating SECUs. This requires me to focus on transposing the sensory data streams of the Tributary Zones to a digital media platform for future generations.

Mission and Work

Question 47-S3 - Why did you think it necessary to make yourself known as the creator of the WM Materials, rather than leave the materials first presented as being a creation of Humans from the future, called "WingMakers"?

A. I have always been consistent on this issue. I am not the creator of the WingMakers materials, I am the translator. The materials existed before I incarnated on earth. I have taken the original content and transduced it (for lack of a better term) into a form (music, art, words, symbols) that would resonate to the human senses and mind. The original materials, of which only a small fraction has been translated and published on the Internet, are created by a subset of the WingMakers called Lyricus (my term).

Lyricus teachers assembled the materials and have exported them to the various life-bearing planets like Earth. At the appropriate time, a lineage of teachers incarnate and begin the rigorous process of translating the materials into "human form". I am merely the first of this lineage to begin the process of translation. As to your question, the lineage of teachers I speak of do - in a real sense - represent humanity's future.

Question 4-S1: Do you think that something akin to "The WingMakers" inspired you to create this Myth, or are you just lonely and a little bored?

A. I was not inspired to create the WingMakers' mythology; I was commissioned to perform this specific task. No one requires inspiration to carry out a task required of them by the very nature of their purpose as a life form. Further, I did not create a myth; I translated a Tributary Zone into a sensory data stream that can catalyze the human thalamocortical system to awaken its innate connection to the Genetic Mind.

I refer to it as a mythology only because I must convey - in good conscience - that the material is not completely factual.

Question 66-S3 - "Each individual must know them self to be free of all forms of external reliance. This is not to imply that one should not trust others or band together in alliances of friendship and community. It is simply a warning that relative truth is constantly shifting in the hands of those who desire to control, and even though their motives may be of good will, it is still a form of control.

When the hierarchy withholds information, the interpretive centers for relative truth are positioned to acquire and maintain power rather than dispensing the empowerment of Source equality."
Reading the above paragraph if we replace "hierarchy" with "James", don't you think that you're actually performing a form of control (even though you may be good-willed) by withholding information instead of dispensing the empowerment of Source equality right now?

Also, from time to time we see the material take a "turn" which can easily be equated to the teaching's reference to hierarchy: "relative truth is constantly shifting in the hands of those who desire control."

Have you also considered the effects of slowly feeding information in terms of a built-up interdependence between the WM audience and yourself?

Note that this is the one instance in which the term "hierarchy" is being used according to the meaning ascribed to it by the Lyricus and WingMakers material. It is NOT being used in the Theosophical sense as described in the Introduction. The extract being referenced by the questioner is from WingMakers' Philosophy, Chamber Two: The Shifting Models of Existence, paragraph five.

A. As a member of Lyricus, I am focused on translating Lyricus content to human standards - both in terms of material and technology. This requires a significant effort and time. If I had the time to explain the translation process, I think you would understand. The material is encoded and this is the primary distinction. Translating this content is dissimilar in every way to translating Spanish into English. So time is an issue.

More to your point, the materials are released not according to my timetable, but according to the mesh of incarnating souls, the collective signature vibration of the species, and the timetable of the Grand Portal's discovery. The desire to have all the material available to peruse won't be fulfilled for 30-40 years.

This is not a result of control or manipulation, but is in response to a plan that is well engineered and proven to be effective.

Question 50-S3 - I have noticed in some responses to questing news-list participants you seem to be very time limited but will answer the questions in-between other pressing engagements and I wondered what these other pressing engagements might be?

A. My work requires that I interact with others, as this mission is much larger than one person. Sometimes this means that I travel, sometimes it requires that I host travelers. Also, the translation process is very time consuming owing to the intricacy and complexity of the original material. It is not like channeling where I open my mouth and the words drop out.

Especially in the case of the music and art, it requires a tremendous amount of time to orchestrate the translations and try and keep them true to their original form while converting them to 3-dimensional art forms. In the case of the music, it requires that I locate and work with the right kind of talents, as this is a more collaborative translation when compared to the other material.

Question 48-S3 - I was wondering if you participate in the Wingmaker's forum in any way? If not why do you not participate in it? Do you perhaps distance yourself from this news-list so as not to become a savior for those who might be looking for one?

A. I do not participate in any forum or earth-bound organization - including WingMakers LLC. I am here to translate and make available the higher circuits of experiential learning, and to help catalyze the discovery of the Grand Portal. The only organization that I can say I am affiliated with is Lyricus. I am not present on earth to validate anyone's belief system or pronounce him or her an initiate of the "True Way". I prefer to focus on my mission, knowing that modern life has its methods of distraction.

Question 49-S3 - Do you have other outlets for your teachings that you might spend more time with rather than the forum?

A. I want to remind you that these are not "my teachings". I am not teaching anything. I am translating materials that go underneath the human "radar" of censorship and egotistic control and strike resonance with that part of you that is termed the Wholeness Navigator.

Question 5-S2 - You have Sarah de Rosnay and at least one other helper (lady in the photo). How have these people become disciples/students/helpers to you? Do you intend to take on more followers in the future?

A. Sarah and Mark are the only ones who directly assist me in the operations of my work. I have a group of students that I work with on many dimensions of consciousness, and I work with these students through the Tributary Zones known to you as the WingMakers materials. Yes, I will take on new students using the WingMakers material as the medium of my teaching. I intend to remain unknown as a human personality, allowing the sensory data streams of the Tributary Zones to perform the majority of my teaching.

Note: The photo of the lady can be found through one of the various hidden links contained on the First Source CD-ROM which can be ordered at the WingMakers website.

Question 4-S2 - You have a studio in New York. How do you finance yourself, as all of your time is taken up with WingMakers translation work? I am assuming you have a hidden life in paid employment?

A. I live a very simple life, and support myself through means that I will not disclose.

Question 9-S1: Do you like Questions?

A. Yes. You can discern a great deal about an individual by the nature of the questions they ask. Questions also furnish opportunities to refine or adjust one's communication methods.

Question 1-S1 : Who is the unidentified woman in this picture, and where was it taken?

A. The woman is a student of mine. In respect to her wishes, she does not want to be identified. It is not Sarah De Rosnay as some may conclude. The photograph was taken in my studio - whose location is in New York.

Note: This picture is on the First Source CD ROM, Vol. 1.1

El término WingMakers está codificado:
"Alas"(Wing) deriva del término viento o volar. Es la fuerza activa que crea nuevos estados en movimiento.
"Creadores" (Makers) es la pluralidad de los co-creadores —que es la esencia colectiva de la humanidad.
Por lo tanto, WingMakers significa que a partir de la esencia colectiva de la humanidad nuevos estados de conciencia nacerán.
Este es el significado del término WingMakers, y que confiere a la humanidad una nueva identidad.
La humanidad se está transformando en WingMakers.”

James Mahu. Extraído de las Obras Completas de los WingMakers Volumen 1

Buscador WMBlog:

"Estos trabajos son catalizadores y su objetivo es ayudar a las personas a cambiar su conciencia para acceder más eficazmente a su propio propósito espiritual, especialmente cuando éste se vincula con el descubrimiento del Gran Portal. 

"Lo importante a tener en cuenta al revisar estos materiales es que estás compuesto de un instrumento humano que consiste en tu cuerpo físico, tus emociones y tu mente. El instrumento humano está equipado con un portal que permite recibir y transmitir desde y hacia las dimensiones superiores que reemplazarán nuestra realidad tridimensional —la realidad de la vida cotidiana.  

Estos materiales están diseñados para ayudar al desarrollo de este portal así, a medida que lees y experimentas estas obras, estarás interactuando con este portal, ampliando tu visión y receptividad."


Extracto de la Introducción
a las Obras Completas de los WingMakers Vol.1